
I am one of those people who dreams a lot. As in all the time, dreams piling up every night like a layer cake of stories and radical emotions. I remember nightmares from my early early childhood. And I remember them from just last week. Then there are the beautiful ones. They are rarer. City of Green Fire was a whole novel in a night. The catspider paintings came from one dream that never got shelved, never got forgotten, but rather developed its own mythology. It was at once a nightmare and a message that has evolved over the years.

My night mind is a constant oil spill of stuff, pouring out, pooling, evaporating and occasionally harvested for pictures.

All images will enlarge & many have stories

City of Green Fire

City of Green Fire

Yellow Dream

Yellow Dream

The Anteater's Conversation with God

The Anteater’s Conversation with God

Snow Bear

Snow Bear

What Shape? What Place?

What Shape? What Place?

Dream Gods

Dream Gods

Fireflies Palace

Fireflies Palace

Thursday's Jewels

Thursday’s Jewels

Under the Tartufala Tree

Under the Tartufala Tree

Serious Swim

Serious Swim